La Roja’s Gringa Guide to Soccer

Gringa Guide: ¡Fútbol Edition!

This week, I’m taking a break from my “Gringa Guide to Spanish” to bring you this special Fútbol Edition! If you like us on Facebook, you probably noticed the sudden influx of Mexican-themed photos as I prepared to attend the Mexico vs. Colombia soccer game in Miami! I’ve been to my share of soccer games throughout Latin American and a few here in States, so I know what to expect, but my friend suggested I write some tips to prepare the uninformed gringas out there for, what can be, an overwhelming experience.

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La Roja’s Gringa Guide to Spanish: ¿Hung Over?

Lesson 7: How to Say You’re Hungover

Hola! I’m here to get you ready for the weekend with a quick lesson on how to express your pain after a noche full of fiesta. As with many terms in Spanish, there isn’t just one way to say you’re hungover, but I’ve done my best to compile a list and it’s up to you to decide which works best for you!

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La Roja’s Gringa Guide to Spanish: “Double R”

Lesson 6: How to Roll your R’s

¡Arrrrrriba! Perro, Carro….if you can’t say the double R, all of these words will quickly give you away as a gringo when speaking Spanish. If you struggle with this, know you are not alone as it is a toughie for a majority of new Spanish speakers. Sadly, there’s no quick fix that I can share with you to learn this skill, but I can provide some helpful tips to get you started on this long tongue-tied journey: [Read more…]

La Roja’s Gringa Guide to Spanish: ¿Is it Amor?

Lesson 5: The Many Forms of “Love”.

With Valentine’s Day next week, I thought this would be the perfect time to supply you with a quick Spanish lesson on this crazy little thing called amor! If you haven’t figured it out yet, Spanish is a complicated language in general, so just imagine how complicated things get when trying to express the many different forms of love. As always, I’m here to help you figure it out…entonces, here we go!

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La Roja’s Gringa Guide to Spanish: 3 Tips for Fluent Español

Lesson 4: How To Be Fluent in Spanish

I see it all too often, gringas with years of Spanish lessons under their belts, but they still speak like 5 year olds. I was there once, and after 10+ years of Spanish study…I can confirm there really is no easily solution to becoming fluent. However, I have come up with 3 tips that should help you along:

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La Roja’s Gringa Guide to Spanish: ¡Ahorita!

Lesson 3: The Meaning of “Ahorita”

So hopefully during your lessons on diminutives (-ito/-ita) in Spanish class , your teacher explained one of the most common, yet strangely used forms: ahorita. Unfortunately for me, we never covered this specific word during our lessons, so I was left to figure it out for myself. Knowing how to use the world will make your vida easier, so here it goes…

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