Vazquez Sounds “Forget You”

Las Gringas Favorite Cover of the Week!

One of the great things about the internet and sites like YouTube is that every now and again, it gives people opportunities they wouldn’t normally get. This is true for Mexican siblings, Angie, Gustavo and Abelardo, now known as Vazquez Sounds, who got a record deal with Sony Music after their video covering Adele’s “Rolling In The Deep” went viral raking in over 50 million views.

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Lindsay Lohan’s Trouble with Latinos and the Law

Lindsay Lohan Sued By Latina Nanny.

Well, it looks like the particularly troubled Hollywood actress, Lindsey Lohan, just can’t get enough of her Latinos…in court that is. She already picked a legal battle with Pitbull over his choice of words in a popular rap, and now she’s faced with a countersuit and an additional suit from another member of the Latino community.

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Venue Magazine Cover Party with Jerry Rivera

A Great Noche in South Beach

Send me an invite to a party with free booze, free food, and hot Latino celebrities and there’s about a 99.9% chance I will be there! So obviously, when I received my invitation to the Venue Magazine Cover Party at the Shelborne with the sexy salsa singer, Jerry Rivera, I RSVP’ed quicker than you can say papichulo.

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Dulce María’s New Show

Dulce María Featured On New MTV Tr3s Series.

If you’re anything like LasGringasBlog, then you know Dulce María from the hit Mexican telenovela, Rebelde, which eventually spawned the equally sensational pop group.

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Introducing Genesis Rodriguez

Why La Rubia Is Excited About This New On The Scene Latina

You may or may not have heard of her yet, but Genesis Rodriguez is one new on the scene actress, Las Gringas Blog is excited to feature.

I first got wind of this talented Latina when covering Will Ferrell’s upcoming Casa de mi Padre in which she stars as the leading love interest. Her name is hardly ordinary, and I was sure if she’d been around, I would have heard of her. So, I did a little digging to see what I could find out.

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Raul Esparza in Concert at the Arsht Center

LasGringasBlog Loves The Arts!

One of the best things about living in a big city is the perpetual chance that something exciting is just around the corner. In Miami this is especially true, and we here at LasGringasBlog are happy to be able to offer our readers a little extra incentive to seek out these opportunities!

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Ridiculous Lyric of the Week: “Give Me Everything”

What Rhymes with Kodak?

Let’s just be honest here: Pitbull‘s music could provide us with enough “Ridiculous Lyric” content to last us a year. You might ask…But I thought Las Gringas loved Pitbull? Yes, that’s true…but even we can’t deny that his lyrics walk the line of awesomely clever and absurd. So, why did we pick this particular lyric, you might ask? Because, via some clever Facebook searching, I discovered that over 195,000 people agree with us on this one. So here you have it:

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JLo and Wisin y Yandel Create Beautiful Musica Together

JLo AND WyY? Here’s a Collaboration La Rubia Can Get Excited About!

I don’t know about everyone else, but when artists start collaborating, I get super emocianada (NOT excitada, thanks for clearing that up for me, La Roja!). There is just something about having one artist that you love get together with another artist that you love and creating an awesome musical baby together! (Maybe I took that metaphor too far?). Perhaps, this partially explains my sometimes irrational affection for Pitbull, el Rey of collaborations (It’s probably easier to count the music he has not been featured on rather than those he has…). ¿Quien sabe?

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¿Proud To Be An American?

La Roja’s Adventure At A Naturalization Ceremony*

Last week, I attended a US Naturalization Ceremony in Oakland Park, Florida to watch a Latino friend of mine take the oath and become a citizen. I must say, watching 175 people from 41 different countries pledge allegiance to the United States was pretty cool and, for most of the ceremony, I was really feeling the patriotic vibe and happy to be there! But then, things got really uncomfortable, really fast…

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La Roja’s Gringa Guide to Spanish: ¡Ahorita!

Lesson 3: The Meaning of “Ahorita”

So hopefully during your lessons on diminutives (-ito/-ita) in Spanish class , your teacher explained one of the most common, yet strangely used forms: ahorita. Unfortunately for me, we never covered this specific word during our lessons, so I was left to figure it out for myself. Knowing how to use the world will make your vida easier, so here it goes…

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