Vazquez Sounds “Forget You”

Las Gringas Favorite Cover of the Week!

One of the great things about the internet and sites like YouTube is that every now and again, it gives people opportunities they wouldn’t normally get. This is true for Mexican siblings, Angie, Gustavo and Abelardo, now known as Vazquez Sounds, who got a record deal with Sony Music after their video covering Adele’s “Rolling In The Deep” went viral raking in over 50 million views.

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Lindsay Lohan’s Trouble with Latinos and the Law

Lindsay Lohan Sued By Latina Nanny.

Well, it looks like the particularly troubled Hollywood actress, Lindsey Lohan, just can’t get enough of her Latinos…in court that is. She already picked a legal battle with Pitbull over his choice of words in a popular rap, and now she’s faced with a countersuit and an additional suit from another member of the Latino community.

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