No Me Ames: The JLo/Marc Story

They got what they asked for

Not sure what reminded me of this song, I haven’t heard it in several years…but, this past week, with the influx of JLO/Casper and Marc/Shannon photos popping up- I was reminded of those days when Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony seemed happy and recorded sappy duets together….and how particularly ironic this song is now.
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Glee Lives La Vida Loca

Ricky Martin Guest Stars On Glee.

I don’t know if Fox knew what it was doing when they lit the greenlight for now uber-hit, Glee, but this show has catapulted to a level of popularity that is astounding, especially for a musical. I’m pretty sure if you threw a rock, the chances are high you’d hit a Glee fan, maybe two. As an avid fan myself, chances are, you might hit me with that rock (and La Roja). As an equally avid Ricky Martin fan and supporter, I am beside myself with (I’m sorry, I can’t help it) glee over the fact that Ricky is going to be a guest starring as a musically inclined Spanish teacher on the show!!!

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